Tuesday, June 1, 2010

60 Days More - The Power of Incantations

I had a mysterious experience just tonight in a not-so-mysterious place - a tread mill. My usual gym routine was to do cardio exercises first by running in the tread mill for 20 mins. I usually do an interval of 5 minutes brisk walk, 3 minutes jog, and 2 minutes run and do this whole set twice.

What I usually do to keep my mind off the "tireness", and hardness of breathing is I would do incantations - saying powerful incantations under my breath with clear visualization of my words. This is how it would go..

"I will be a millionaire!"
"I am now a millionaire!"
"I have a millionaire mind!"
I would begin to see myself free and proud and feel the lightness in me.
Then one by one I will examine my 4 millionaire mountains.
I will recall where am I and what are my plans.
"I am a traffic magnet!"
I will look at  what have I done in my businesses and what are my next plan.
"I am a money magnet"
I will see myself happy on what I will be receiving after my term ends and what more shall I invest in to.
"I am a money magnet"
Real Estate!
I will ask myself what are my plans
"I will be the youngest to be rich in real estate!"

So that was my typical incantation routine. However, this time already in my last set and running the last 2 minutes remembering how absorbed I was on what Tony Robins had said in his video I was saying to myself...

"I am certain!"
PAK! I punched  my fist to my palm.
Soaked with sweat I continued running fast.
"I decided what my life will be"
"I am deciding NOW!"
The energy was "undescribable."
I pushed the button and increased the tread mill's speed.
"I want to help people! And I will be rich!"
"My life will inspire people!"
"I am certain! I have decided!"
I felt like flying. I never felt being tired. I can breath freely.
I have been running for 4 minutes already!
I felt so good, so great I don't want to stop!

"I love this life!"
"I am a millionaire!"

I have to stop because the side of my diaphragm is already painful. It was already way over 5 minutes.
Running has never felt so good. I was literally soaked with sweat. A millionaire's sweat.

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