Monday, May 31, 2010

61 Days More - Changes Worth Just a Few Millimeters

I stumbled upon this powerful video of Tony Robbins (one of my favorites) giving a talk on change as I was filling up my new blog Best Inspiring Videos. I had really no intention of choosing this video but by the end I said to myself..."Hey, this is just what I really need right now..."

Setting up my new blog brought a lot of negative feedback from Evil Hanz. He kept on saying that it won't work and would be just like any other blogs I have. For one, I was so depressed of my MagicJack blog that after all the high hopes I had and super inspired by Jan's Soleskate blog's outcome that until today it only had one loyal visitor - Me. All the sleepless nights and effort I had was just not enough. Honestly, I don't know why it has no traffic. And I don't want to talk about it anymore because it hurts.

Pak! Ouch! I just snapped my Positive Switch Band.

What got me in this video is this..
"When it seems impossible, when it seems like nothing is going to work, you're usually a few millimeters away from making it happen..." - Tony Robbins

So what's the "few millimeters away" for my blog? Content? Could be. Working on it. Time? Possibly. Oh, how about this...Me! Yes. Me. Maybe I should re-focus how I look at that blog. Maybe a little re-programming would do. Maybe I should think differently and lift the pressure off myself on this, just a few millimeters. Let's see what would happen. Think of it as a seed I plant here and there. (You should read my post on someone who didn't even expect that a seed she'd planted came into a tree that touch millions of lives.) All seeds grow somehow right?

Oh I just remebered!! I'll be watering this plants - blogs - of mine with an additional spot in my morning incantations of "I am a money magnet!" and "I have a millionaire mind.." I shall be saying...
"I am a traffic magnet!"

1 comment:

  1. The sower keeps on sowing.... but The BIRDS... The BIRDS!! The Birds got the SEEDS!! hahaha! :D -Jim Rohn

    So just keep on sowing until your seed falls on good grounds. :D


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