Tuesday, June 8, 2010

54 Days More - The Truth About the Secret

I know most of us have read or watched "The Secret". So I'm pretty sure you can relate on this post. But if you haven't well...hmmmmm...secreeeeeeeeeettttt...

For 2 years I have been applying the Law of Attraction. Wanna know where? when? and how?
Before riding a jeepney!!!
(a public transportation vehicle in the Philippines)

At first, I didn't believe it but if I'll never try, I'll never know. It started with curiosity, trying to see if this Law of  Attraction really works. After taking a shower in going to work I would visualize that as I am coming near the waiting shed of our  village, the jeepney for my route would already be there waiting for me.

You see, there are only two jeepneys available for my route 10H and 10C. The former is usually filled with passengers because it goes to SM Supermall, and it's also the best route in going to the north of Cebu. While the latter has the fewest trips in our town. So getting on time at work has is quite a challenge for me.

And so I did my visualization, even in my way to our gate and out and walking to the shed. For the first week. It was inconsistent. Sometimes there's luck while sometimes none. But on to the following week, it happened straight for 3 days. Motivated, I continued until everyday the jeepney - with a big smile - I would hop in the jeep without waiting for more than a minute.

It even came to a point where I can literally ask a 10H to wait for me rather than a 10C. And when I asked for a 10C. Lo! There it is!

Then I got an idea. Why not try it on the pedicab? A bicycle with a cab that is the usual transportation in a village. Just on my first try, I got cabs waiting for me!

I literally felt powerful....for a time.

I noticed that there would be times that things are not just working out the way it is. I powerfully focus and visualize but when however still I get to walk out of the village on foot under the sun or I would be waiting for 15 minutes just for a jeepney. Worst, I get late!!!

Thinking and looking at it. I figured out what's wrong...

1. I missed my visualizations and focus. Obviously, it won't work.
2. But this is the main loophole, I usually miss the jeepney or get late when I leave home 30 minutes before my time at work!!

Of course!!!!!

This is my discovery about the truth on the Law of Attraction:
No matter how much you focus and visualize, if you don't help yourself and you take no action, you'll never get it! 

And so I have to end this post so that I could sleep early and wake up early and leave for work early so that when I visualize powerfully I can dictate the universe that the jeepney that would be waiting for me would be a 10H - color blue!

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