Sunday, May 23, 2010

69 then 68 Days to Go - Analyzing My Net Worth

A Networth is simply the financial value of everything I own. And this is the true measure of ones wealth. From clothes, to gadgets and gears, my money on hand and in the bank and piggy bank (Yes, I have one!) and money in my investments. And do you know how much is my net worth? Actually, I calculated it after lunch and to my amazement I only have 36,050!!! I was shocked, confused, and disappointed. I never thought I'm only that value! huhuhuhu

However, I was appeased as Kuya told me I'm waaaaaaaay better when he was broke and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than most of the people. And so my disappointed became my challenge to really focus more on increasing my net worth. As the life principle goes, "What you focus on more..grows!"

Together with analyzing my net worth is to look into its four sources: Income, Savings, Investment, and Simplification. Let's look into this as to how it runs into my life. Two of which I've already shared: savings and investment. Let's see the other two:

Honestly, I have a generous salary. I work around 9 hours a day from the prescribed 8 hours and they pay me well. I believe most people would be satisfied with the amount I am receiving per month. Me too, but that was before. I begin to ask this BIG question,

Of course! Millionaires think BIG! I shouldn't settle for less. The ideal working income should be based on results not on time. And to think I am the type of person that delivers BIG results, and I'm sure you do too. And so I am now looking for ways to be paid based on results. But as of the moment, it is not right to resign and start working freelance or what. So this brings me to look into another type of income...PASSIVE income.

My passive income streams as of the moment are my blogs. Of which, I am saddened that my adsense account is still under El Nino. I'm sad that my magicJack blog after working hard and fast about 3 days ago still has no visitors except Jan and Kuya. Sigh! The same goes with Inzpiro, 2-3 visitors a day. Anyway, but still my hopes are high! I'll look more into it. As one of my favorite 7-word-quoute goes...
Never never never never never give up!

I need to focus more on Passive Income at this time because of my schedule at work. I cannot really work big on business or real estate because my work consumes my time badly. (However, I'm starting to work it together. Striking every "free" moment I can at work to look into business and real estate. As Millionaire's think, we choose "both" while poor people choose "either/or")

I'm looking into selling ebooks but I need to work on gaining traffic especially through this blog. What I have in mind is an e-book with the collections of stories for millionaire-to-be's. Or maybe I should look for more ideas.

Is simply to simply things through simplifying your lifestyle. That simple! I learned early in my career that to succeed financially you have to break the law, the PARKINSON'S LAW: As income increase so does my expenses. And so I learned not to follow it. In spite my promotions I keep my expenses low. No branded apparel, no fancy gears and gadgets, stick to McDonalds, watch movies by asking free tickets, and no junk foods and beverages. However, I few branded clothes but with discount and new fine cuisines once a month would do. The good thing is, aside from the prioritieS I have with my family, I never really had a major problem with money.

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