Monday, August 2, 2010

4 then 3 days Left - When the Universe Conspire

Still no one can comprehend how things happen lately in this 90 day challenge. When the universe conspire to feed in to you all opportunities just like the hand of God designing everything.

Everything happened for a reason. Nothing in this world is unplanned.

One example, I think I didn't share it here, remember the house and lot which is our previous house before we moved in to this ancestral home at the back of our house? One distant aunt still lives there, and I was really thinking even convincing my parents to "think with me" that she would leave the place and be back to her family?

As my aunties were here, for the funeral of Mama Ling, one of them Ate Cha, which basically owned the lot told her of her plans of developing it and having it for rent. Well, on the spot, she agreed and is willing to leave by end of the year! See?

But the latest conspiracy was the new direction my father's job is taking.

He has a small engineering services with on and off projects for the past 3 years. But just the other day, the project coordinator of the plant where they usually work was an inventor of a new oil filtration process and my dad remembering that I'm into all these internet marketing my dad offered him the opportunity to be open online! The deal was even moved to the higher level as he opted that our engineering services would be the front of all services of his invention! Plus, of the meantime, he is willing to give us as many projects in the plant!!!!

I'm so totally grateful of the everything that's happening!

But still, for me the best thing is, how our communication and relationship with my dad greatly improved. He would text me anytime and even wait till I get home! Finally, God has given us the opportunity to work on something hand in hand.

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